Canola  0.8.D001
lib/version.h File Reference

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const char * version (void)
const char * copyright_years (void)
const char * copyright_owner (void)

Function Documentation

const char* copyright_owner ( void  )

The copyright_owner function is used to obtain the name of the copyright owner. This is provided by Aegis. For an open source project, this is often the user building the change set.

Definition at line 43 of file

const char* copyright_years ( void  )

The copyright_years function is used to obtain the list of copyright years. This is provided by Aegis.

Definition at line 36 of file

const char* version ( void  )

The version function is used to obtain the version number. This is provided by Aegis, and changes for each change set.

Definition at line 29 of file